Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why do people hate Soap Opera's so much??????

Soaps aren't that bad. They are historical. Some soaps, such as "Passions" suck, but other shows such as Y%26amp;R and General Hospital and All My Children are fantastic. Sure they have their flaws, what show doesn't. They have been on the air for decades, they practically gave birth to the Primetime Soaps we watch such as Desperate Housewives and Knots Landing. They aren't as overly dramatic as you think. And the actors of these shows aren't the HORRIBLE actors you think they are....except the recast for Greenlee on AMC. God she's awful. But really, and I know that some a$$hole is going to say it so I'll set the record straight, I AM NOT SOME LAZY A$$ FAT MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WITH NO LIFE WHO SITS AT HOME AND WATCHES SOAPS 24/7. You don't know me so you CAN'T make that assumption. I have a life. I watch these shows to escape reality from time to time, when I can watch them. I like them, and it's stupid that people THINK these historic giants are crap.

Why do people hate Soap Opera's so much??????home theatre

Boy are you on a roll! Don't know why you're so negative.Every body is entitled to their own opinion.I myself like Y%26amp;R %26amp; B%26amp;B. I hope you have a better day today.

Why do people hate Soap Opera's so much??????ballet theater opera theater

because the acting is so bad....
because they don't want to take the time to see that soap operas are actually entertaining, fun to watch, and addictive.
I don't know if I can say it better myself. Alot of actors got their start on daytime. I know I used to drive my ex nuts everytime I saw a former soap star on TV or in a movie - boy did he hate it when I told him that the Green Hornet on Smallville used to be on Passions! haha. Guys watch soaps to, they just don't realize it - Wrestling is such a guys soap opera it isn't even funny!
You may not be fat and middle-aged, but you have a huge chip on your shoulder. I read your "question" and additional comments expecting to find a lot of people putting down your choice to watch them. I find one negative comment and it wasn't about you. It sounds like you are daring anyone to have a different opinion.

I was actually going to support you. I no longer watch them due to time restraints, but at one time I watched 3 on ABC faithfully.
Not to worry about negative comments from me. I love GH, AMC, and GH and the people that look at these intials that hate the shows probably won't even know what I am talking about ! Soaps are entertainment and also an escape from your own life. I agree with you on the new Greenlee.....yuck. The flaws in soaps are there for a reason. They make you realize that life isn't perfect for the actors on any of the soaps. Many times, I have realized due to the soaps that my life could be much worse. I don't make any assumption about you or anyone. The soaps serve a purpose and are popular enough to be on the TV all these years. I remember being in the hospital and making sure that in the TV room that Luke and Laura's wedding was what I absolutley had to see! I did! It was beautiful and we begin to relate and even think we know these actors that come into our lives everyday afternoon. It is quite interesting to me to see how an episode will turn out. We laugh with them, we cry for them, we might hate their character, but they are a part of our lives! I really don't see any difference than people who watch primetime shows and follow those episodes. It's important to them and so is ours. Same thing......different time. I am very intelligent and have been watching since 1970! Of course I have missed episodes, but I can catch up on soaps.

I don't believe that soap opera stars get their due in this world. Look how long it took Susan Lucci (AMC) to finally get an award. What a shame as she is great. She says and does things that most of us wish we could have said or would have said to another person in real life. Most of the actors are good and don't get proper respect like they should. Why? Is it just because they are on during the daytime. That is just crazy and wrong. I also don't think they get anywhere near the pay that they should get like other actors.

So girlfriend...............get that remote and enjoy your shows and I will do the same. Who cares what others think? I don't!

They are certainly people we may look up to, love or hate, and we can learn something from watching and being the avid fans we are! I think some people might be jealous of their looks and bodies too. So..........don't change that station!

I'm with you!
most of the people who hate soaps are probably people whose mom's watched them when they were kids, and they weren't allowed to change the channel to watch something else during the day or afterschool. so they've associated soaps with bad memories and haven't given them a fair chance.

i personally love soap operas because of the interesting storylines and the interaction between the characters. not to mention all the hot guys.
WOW,,, What a chip on your shoulder, I was going to defend soaps because I watch them myself, but instead opted for the 2 points.
Which side of the bed did you get up on? It is peoples choice to watch or not to watch soap operas as with any show.

I personally haven't the time to sit in front of the TV and watch every single episode but I do try and catch my favorites once every 2 weeks or so.

Honestly I am probably keeping up as much as someone who does have the leisure of sitting and watching them every day. Years ago I stopped watching AMC, it got boring, and I came back after about a year or so and the same old plots where there and it took nothing more than a few episodes to catch up on the years worth of the same old same old.

Each to his own when they choose their own entertainment and how to spend their time.
I don't know because in my opinion they are really no different than nighttime dramas and people don't knock them like they do soaps. Like you said some of them really suck and I agree with Passions, but the majority have superb actors who have went on to bigger and better things.They are surely more realistic than movies that people pay big bucks to see.How lucky are soap fans? Soaps never go on hiatus we get a new show 5 days a week except for holidays. We don't have to wait months to find out what happens on our shows.
this is because most people think that they are only for like old mothers with nothing better to do than read love novels, watch soaps, and sit there with a box of tissues to ball all the time...i really get angry with those people when i tell people that i watch all my children! i absolutely LOVE that show and couldn't do a whole lot without it! i mean, it's got love, drama, humor, crimes, mysteries, action, and everything that a good show or movie should have!
I don't know why ppl think these things but I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion.... I agree with you though if you watch them they can become addictive but just 1 episode you shouldn't form an opinion on something they know nothing about....
Some people think that they are too sophisticated to watch them. A lot of soap "bashers" watch in secret.
alrighty then....anyway, i don't hate passions. and i don't hate soaps. but ok.
Um... don't pay attention to those people. Soaps are just fun, but they are addictive, can have cheesy acting, writing, and camerawork. They do tend to get some facts wrong too. Like Days had a divorce finalized via fax... a fax is not a legal document!! That really irritated me. I can only imagine other things they get wrong... Plus people tend to come back from the dead a lot. But, as I say, they are fun. It's a fun escape for an hour.
Remember when Dallas hit the air and all these people who hated soaps suddenly fell in love with the show and then tried to act like it wasn't really a "soap"? Well I love watching soaps. Of course,like any show,some actors are better than others, just as some characters are better written than others.Sometimes the storylines may be far fetched or sometimes like a rehash of the same thing you saw the month before but sometimes life makes circles too!
you know you have your nerve saying what you did...if you want to be left the alone why get on here and say all the crap you did....most of us had to watch them while our moms watched them...they do become boring...not that I dont watch them...This is not to say anything about the soaps but come off about the people hating soaps but listen to your you are saying about the people...come on man we all have our opinions...think about what you said then ask another one...go soaps ..get a grip.. as far as the middle age junk you said thats just it you said it not us...get on down with your bad self...

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