Thursday, December 10, 2009

What happened on the soap opera PASSION's yesterday?!?

I had to go to school so I missed it!!


Im gonna go crazy.. lol

What happened on the soap opera PASSION's yesterday?!?amc theater

June 12 2007, from

At the station, Noah shows Paloma the gift his dad gave him, a diamond ring. She says it’s beautiful. He says it is flawless, just like her. He says his grandfather gave it to his grandma when he proposed. He remembers his grandparents as a happy white haired couple, they always wore sweaters in August and were going on walks holding hands. Paloma says that is what they talked about, what they wanted. Noah says before his grandma died, she gave the ring to his parents to keep for him, until he found a woman he loved as much as his grandfather loved her. Paloma says that is a great story. He says it’s more than a story. She asks if he is? He gets down on one knee to propose to Paloma. He says he wasn’t looking for love, they started off friends, but then he found her in his thoughts and dreams. He says he loves her, he loves her more than any woman he’s ever loved. He knows they haven’t been together long, but he’s convinced she is the right woman for him. He wants to spend his life with her. He asks her to do him the honor of becoming his wife. Will she marry him? He asks her not to keep him in suspense. Paloma asks why he’s proposing to her now? He says he loves her, he wants to spend his life with her. She loves him too, but she wasn’t expecting this. She wonders if this is the right time. She says Luis could be executed, Jess could be facing murder charges. She wonders if they should focus on their loved ones. Noah feels that is why Sam gave him the ring now, to show him the importance of love and being with the one you love. She says they are together. He ask if they are making the most of it? He says look at his dad, he lost his mom. He says they are surrounded by people who regret what has happened with their own relationships. Still, Paloma wonders if this isn’t being selfish. He thinks they can can still help Luis and Jessica while being engaged. He says they can show them and everyone else that what is important in life is love. Noah thinks it is right they get engaged, for them and for everyone they know. He asks her again to marry him. Paloma says she does love him. He says he loves her too, and he realizes their love is easy, comfortable, perfect. He says it’s how he knew she was the one for him. He feels it in his heart and soul. Suddenly they are interrupted by the phone, she has to take it as it could be the lab. It s the lab and they have the results on the piece of glass she sent in.

In her old room, Whitney is talking to herself about Chad when Theresa shows up to see her. Theresa got Whitney’s message. Theresa says so she left Chad. Whitney says her marriage is over. Theresa says she’s sorry, she hates seeing her like this. Whitney says Chad came here to try and fix things, but they can’t be fixed. Theresa doesn’t know what Chad was thinking, she always thought Chad loved her. Whitney says maybe love isn’t enough. Whitney says maybe she’s the reason Chad went to be with Vincent. Theresa doesn’t see how Whitney could think she is the reason. Whitney says Chad needed something and had to turn to Vincent to get it. Whitney says it makes sense. She says as a woman, she can’t understand to feel pleasure as a man. Whitney says Vincent could, so Chad turned to him to get what he needed. Theresa says if what Whitney is saying is true then they’d all be gay. She says what Chad did wasn’t about Whitney, it’s about Chad. Whitney says still Chad says it was only sex, so maybe she wasn’t doing something right. Theresa tells her to stop this. She says Chad cheated because he is gay and wanted Vincent. Whiney says Chad keeps saying he’s not gay. Theresa says this went on for over a year, it wasn’t a one time thing. She thinks that makes Chad gay. Whitney just doesn’t understand how Chad could do this to her and their family. Theresa doesn’t know. She tells Whitney that she’s a wonderful person and has so much to offer. She says Whitney will find another guy, they’ll fall in love and he’ll be a wonderful father to her children. Whitney says no, she’ll never let another man in her life again. Theresa says she can’t be serious. Whitney says Chad worked so hard to get her to let him into her life, and look what happened. She says no never again. She says her children will have father figures, her own father, her mom’s son with Julian, Ethan. Whitney says her whole life with Chad has just been a huge lie, She thinks Theresa should be on the same page with her, love has only torn her life apart too. Theresa thinks they need to change things up, they need to go out and celebrate moving on. Theresa says they’ll celebrate anything is impossible, even finding love again. Whitney still on the anything is possible part with Chad being on the down low. Theresa says then they’ll just go out and listen to some music. They decide to go to the Blue Note.

Chad and Ethan meet at the Blue Note. They are talking. Chad says Whitney left him, he messed up big time. Ethan says he was cheating on her with a man, he needs to give Whitney time and space. Chad says it’s no use, his marriage is over. He lost his wife, his son and his unborn child because of Vincent. Chad says he can’t blame Vincent, he never should have gotten involved with Vincent. Ethan asks why he did? Chad says he thought he had lost Whitney forever, he didn’t want to betray Whitney by being another woman. Ethan says he slept with Valerie though, and if he wanted casual sex . . . . Why not a woman? Chad says he went out for a drink one night, ended up in a gay bar. He says after a lot of drinks he woke up with Vincent. He chalked it up to too many drinks. However a few days later he went back looking for Vincent, then they started seeing one another. Chad says he was addicted. Ethan says so Vincent made him realize he was gay? Chad says he’s not gay. Ethan says men who have sex with men are gay. Chad says he slept with Whitney too. Ethan says then he’s bisexual. Chad says no, he loves Whitney, it was just sex with Vincent. Ethan isn’t understanding this. Chad doesn’t get why nobody can accept that what he had with Vincent was just sex. Ethan seems to catch Chad and some other guy at the bar giving one another looks. Ethan realizes Chad is cruising that guy. Chad tell Ethan relax, the guy just looked like someone he DJ’d with at a club in West Hollywood. Ethan says that’s almost as gay as province town. Ethan thinks Chad is not dealing with this. Chad continues to say he’s not gay, he loves Whitney, Vincent was just sex. He says he has a child and one on the way, how can he have that if he’s gay. Ethan says it’s been known to happen. Chad is upset that Ethan thinks he’s gay, so he will prove he’s not. Chad sees a girl and decides to prove he’s straight. Ethan thinks this is not a good idea.

Chad goes over to a woman and says she’s the winner of a most beautiful woman in the place, the prize is a drink with him. She likes the way he works. When she finds out he is Chad Harris Crane, as in the Cranes, she thinks it is her lucky night. She kisses him! Meanwhile Whitney and Theresa soon show up. Whitney thinks this is just what she needs to forget about her gay cheating husband. They end up shocked by what they see.

In prison, Luis hears the blackmailer laughing at him. Sam shows up, Luis asks Sam if Fancy found a DNA match on the blackmailer. Sam says no, he’s here because of Fancy. Sam says the blackmailer found out what was up with Fancy. Sam says Fancy is dead. Luis wakes up, yes it was just a dream. Luis thinks he has to stop Fancy from trying to help him. He yells for the guard, but the guard won’t help Luis. He even threatens to throw Luis in solitary. Luis realizes he can’t go to solitary, he won’t be able to warn Fancy. Luis claims a prisoner on death row can’t be put in solitary, it violates federal law. The guard tells Luis he may have gotten out of this, but he will pay this. Luis is left in his cell, he still has no way to warn Fancy that she’s in danger. Luis comes up with a plan and somehow triggers a fire alarm. The guard shows up when Luis starts screaming. Luis asks where the fire is! The guard says it was a false alarm. The guard thinks Luis did this, but Luis claims the guard could have done it while smoking his cigarette. Sam soon shows up claiming he got a call about a fire. The guard says it was just a false alarm. Sam then sees Luis, he thinks Luis set this off. Luis did, he knew if the fire alarm went off then the Chief would have to check it out. Luis tells Sam this is an emergency, Fancy needs Sam’s help. He tells Sam what Fancy is up to with the blackmailer’s DNA. He’s afraid the blackmailer could find out what she’s up to. He begs Sam to go to the hospital and find her before the blackmailer does.

Fancy arrives at the hospital and breaks into Eve’s office. Someone is watching her. They sneak up on her, Fancy sees them and says “You!” It’s only Sheridan, who wonders why Fancy is breaking into Eve’s office. She threatens to turn her into hospital security. Fancy asks why she’s so mean and hateful? Sheridan says that is what Pretty said to her all the time. Fancy tells her to go to hell. Sheridan still wants an answer. Fancy tells Sheridan she is here because Sheridan blew it and let the blackmailer escape. Sheridan demands to know what Fancy is up to, the longer they argue the more time they waste. Fancy says fine, she explains that she had a DNA test done on the blackmailer, but there were no match in the state and federal databases. Fancy says she’s here to use the hospital computers to find a match. Sheridan says so Fancy can save Luis. Fancy says this is not about them, it’s about saving Luis. Sheridan won’t turn Fancy in, but she does insist she help Fancy. She won’t let Fancy save Luis on her own, they’ll do it together. They bicker some more, but soon head into the office. After they go in, we see a janitor show up outside of the office. Of course the janitor is the blackmailer, who says they will stop Fancy dead in her tracks.

In Eve’s office, they run the DNA test. Sheridan says if this doesn’t work then she doesn’t know what else they can do to help Luis. Fancy then says the computer has a match! The spying blackmailer says Fancy and Sheridan will have matching coffins before long. The computer has a program to generate the person’s photo. They wait for the image to clear are the PC. Sheridan asks why it won’t give them a name while they wait? Fancy doesn’t know, she didn’t write the program. Sheridan gets bored waiting, she goes to get them coffee. Sheridan claims she’s only doing this for Luis, not for her. Fancy just wants to save Luis from being executed. Sheridan says that is what she wants too. Sheridan then leaves Fancy alone. Fancy claims she’s dying to know who the blackmailer is. The blackmailer heads into the office saying Fancy is about to find out! The blackmailer approaches her with a rubber tube to strangle her from behind.

What happened on the soap opera PASSION's yesterday?!?concerts opera theaterSadly I can't take credit for writing it but simply copying and pasting it from the link I posted at the top of my answer. The guy that runs that website does summaries (in that length) every day, so any time you miss a show, go there before you come here! Report It

i can't believe u watch that crap
that crap is still on, my sister told me that show is going to be CANCELLED!!! they will never get to the point.
GIRL!!! YOU NEED TO GET YOURSELF SOME DVR! it's the best. I am watching Tuesday's episode of Passions right now. and it's 11:16 P.M. =)
Theresa, Ethan, %26amp; Whitney saw Chad dancing with 2 woman and Whitney broke up his "shank sandwich"(her words). Whitney told him that he needed to admit that he was gay. Paloma didn't given Noah a answer to his proposal. The Blackmailer attacked Fancy but Sherdian %26amp; Sam got to her it time. Fancy called Sherdian out for knowing that The Blackmailer was attacking her but did nothing to stop him/her. Ivy %26amp; Julian planned the leave town and move to Paris to start a life together now that he has given up his power at Crane but he didn't tell her about his deal with Thersea. When Ethan saw them dancing together, he pulled his mother aside and said that she was crazy to trust Julian. While they were talking, Thersea told Julian that he should just sell Crane and give the money away to charity but he said that he couldn't do that because he planned to turn Crane into a bigger empire than it is today. When Ivy heard him, she slapped him for not being honest with her.
go to and check it can watch episodes online there
go to

there is a community section and click on watch episodes (it says something like that)

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