Thursday, December 10, 2009

PASSIONS fans - what other soap operas do you watch?

Which one is your favorite? And how does is it different as well as similar to PASSIONS?

Since Passions will be cancelled in Sept and I don't have Direct TV (where it will be relocated) I won't get to watch it anymore. I've been watching Passions since the first episode, and although I'd like to begin watching another soap opera, I wonder if I could do that because most of them have been on for years and I don't know the characters, their history, or anything about the show. I'm upset about Passions being cancelled soon but since there's not much I can do I would like to find another soap opera worth getting addicted to, so I'd appreciate some advice.

PASSIONS fans - what other soap operas do you watch?tickets

After watching Days of Our Lives for about a decade, I have found that it's the only other shows besides passions which really gets me excited and makes me look forward to it. You don't have to know all the characters and plots to enjoy the show - you will learn it as you watch. Give it a shot, watch it for a week or two and you'll find yourself getting pulled into the story. If you like Passions, you will definitely enjoy DOOL!

PASSIONS fans - what other soap operas do you watch?ballet opera theater

i watch Young and the Restless and Days
I don't watch passions but I would love to answer this question ... I watch days of our lives... IT'S AWESOME!!!!! :D
dool and passions is the only ones i watch
I don't watch any other one,

I hate the idea of paying to watch T.V. but I'm really considering getting Direct TV just so I can watch it
I have been watching Days of Our Lives since day one back in 1965. I grew up with many of the characters and have come to think of some of them as family....Like Grandma Horton. What a doll she is! Julie was the same age as me when the show started and she is a great grandma now.

The core of the show is about two families...the Hortons and the Bradys. How is it similar? Well, they are soaps..And at one time there was some supernatural stuff going on.
I watch Days of Our Lives and General Hospital.

Days once had the same writer as Passions, so they also had their fair share of wacky sci fi storylines in the past. I will warn you that the storyline movement can be a bit slow at times, but they are trying to change that. The acting and stories are better on Days too. I would highly suggest watching Days, especially since the Dimeras are returning. They are the evil family on the show who have not been on in a few years. This summer is going to be dedicated to finding out why the Dimera family hates the Bradys, which is a question that has never been answered before. Now would be a good time to start watching.

As for General Hospital, it is a totally different show from Passions and Days, which is why I like it. The writing, action, suspense, and storyline movement is great. It is very heavy in violence too because some of the characters are involved in the mob. I started watching a few years ago. I was amazed at how quickly the storylines moved compared to Passions and Days. I was like, "So this is what a real soap opera is like!" haha The characters are riveting and the acting is superb. I love the show and recommend it if you want something less sci-fi, more action-packed, and more dramatic.
I grew up watching Days of Our Lives and still watch it today! All soaps are pretty much the same: Love triangles, infidelity, questioned paternity, people coming back from the dead, and the endless fight of good versus evil. Passions is the like the 4th soap to go off on NBC but Days is still here after nearly 45 years! There is something to be said for longevity! ;)
My wife got started on Days. She also got me watching Oprah and Dr. Phil! But thats OK, I'm secure in my manhood.
i would say days of our lives.
I watch Passions every blue moon I don't know all of the story lines nor do I watch it everyday but my favorite is Days I've been watching for as long as I can remember my late Grams use to watch it my mom, my sisters and my brother watch. I had my ex husband hooked now my hubby watches it. Days is the end all and be all of soaps for me. I can go with out watching a single television show as long as I can watch Days. As for any other Soap Nothing will ever be abl;e to compete
I think that you should try watching several soaps. Watch a week or so of each one, because a day or two won't really tell you anything. I personally watch Days of Our Lives. I inherited it from my Great-Grandma. I started watching it at her house when I was little. Good luck!
Days of Our Lives is my all-time favorite soap. There are more whodunnit storylines and several times I've been on the edge of my seat. Every now and then they'll have a funny line or story. As for Passions, I don't watch faithfully, but enough to keep up with the stories. Ethan cracked me up the other day when discussing Chad's sexual preference. He said, "Chad's gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that." Reminded me of an episode of my alltime fav comedy show "Seinfeld".
i only watch passions! i will watch no other. it would be like replacing a loved one or something ya know?
I love Passions the most but I also watch Days of our Lives!


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