Thursday, December 10, 2009

Opera Dress Code (for men) ?

I'm going to the opera house in Lincoln Center tomorrow evening to watch Carmen. What should I wear??

Opera Dress Code (for men) ?opera mobile

a pink tuxedo

Opera Dress Code (for men) ?imax theatre opera theater

Dark suit or tux.
At least a button down shirt and nice slacks. A jacket and a tie isn't necessary but would be a nice touch.
As natural
a suite, matching jacket and slacks atleast, shiney shoes with laces, no velcro.
A nice buttoned down shirt with kakhis or black pants and a tie. Wear a blazer if you want to look even more dressy. Men have it easy when dressing for things like this!
tux or suit.
first, silence the cell phone!

dress nice. no jeans, nothing raggedy, no slogan shirts or biker wear. just, you know, job interview nice.
a nice pair of slacks and a god button up shirt

Opera - Regency Era?

During the Regency Era, when did people most attend Operas? Or did they just attend during the Season. And which was the most famous opera house? How much did it cost around...1815?

Opera - Regency Era?opera sheet music

Opera - hugely popular form of entertainment for the Regency upper classes. Though some operas were German and a handful were in English, the prevailing form was the Italian. The typical Regency person’s education included learning at least some Italian in order to enjoy this quintessentially civilized art form. The main place to see/hear opera in London was the King’s Theatre, also known as the Royal Italian Opera House. A season subscription for an opera box could cost as much as £2,500. (Contrast this with the annual salary of Jane Austen’s clergyman father, approximately £150/year, or a private in the army, at just under £18/year.) “The doors opened at six and performances began at seven.” (Hendrickson, Emily. The Regency Reference Book, p. 24.)

The ton would have gone during the Season, to see and be seen, and perhaps gone for supper at the Piazza afterwards.

Opera - Regency Era?shows opera theaterThank you! Report It

You're right in guessing that the most often attended period was the London Season. The London Season coincided with the sitting of Parliament, and began some time after Christmas, running until lat summer (July/August), when it became too hot, and wealthy city inhabitants took to their Summer homes in the countryside, or on vacations on the continent. They would return by late November, in time for Christmas and the start of the new Season.

The most famous opera house was (and still is) undoubtedly the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden. It's competitor, and almost as equally famous and important is the Theatre Royal at Drury Lane.

Theatre admissions were roughly four shillings for the box seats, two for seats in the pit, and one for the gallery.

Hope this helps,


Phantom of the Opera the 3 skulls?

I went to see the Phantom of the Opera and at the start when they are selling things from the Paris Opera House, and one of the things the sell are three skulls, I can't work out who the skull's belong to, can anyone tell me please?

Phantom of the Opera the 3 skulls?listen to opera

It is a reference to the very beginning of the play when they are enacting the sale of the estate by auction. In it they are selling props from one of the "Opera houses" many plays, such as lot 664 "a wooden pistol and 3 human skulls" from a performance of Robert de Diable.

Phantom of the Opera?

Who else here thinks the book "The Phantom of the Opera" shouldt've have been made into a musical? I like musicals but just because the book mainly takes place in an opera house does not constitute making it a complete musical. I concede thea actors were great ande everything but it was just so... stupid seeing a story like that acted out like a Disney movie with sporadic singing moments. I rented it once and got through an hour of it. (I'm talking the 2004 version btw) but it just started grating on me watching people sing lines that gave me chills when i read the book. I put the subtitles on and started fast forwarding it reading the words of the songs. That didn't last long obviously. Like I said before, I like musicals, I like Cats and one I don't know the title of but is about New York but you don't adapt a book to a musical, cats wasn't a book before the musical. Also, Erik has little hair so why do i see "pretty boys" with full hair playing his part?

Phantom of the Opera?city opera

You're right, the musical shouldn't have been made into a movie. I never saw the stage version of the musical, but everyone that did said it was amazing. I had the soundtrack when I was in highschool and I really enjoyed it. I think the stage is probably a better medium for the musical than the big screen. The movie was kinda cheesy at points. Visually the movie was stunning, and the acting was goo too, it was just those moments of breaking into song that ruined the somber and romantic mood and took it to the cheesy Disney level.

Phantom of the Opera?performing shows opera theaterHmmm... I think the singing bring much entertainment to the movie and made it more bright and carry on with the plot. I can't imagine how it would be like watching the characters talking for the whole movie. I think Disney is great and brought entertainment to the big screen. Report It

i havent read the book yet , but i didnt enjoy the movie , i didnt finish watching it
im glad it was made into a musical.. i saw the play years ago and LOVED it !!! and it really got me hooked onto the "phantom" and i stilll love that play !!! especially with Michael Crawford as the "phantom" but they shouldnt have made the new movie.. it was supposed to star Antonio Banderas as the 'phantom' that would have been great to have seen him in that role
All of u people who dont think it should have not been made it to a movie need to get a life. its like the best movie in the world. it looks nothing like a disney movie so get over it. oh and by the way movies can be different than books its not all the same. and gerald butler is one of the best actors in the world so shut up about the whole pretty boy thing.

u just cant apperciate good movies!

Who watches passions its like a teen soap opera?

how do you feel about it ?? the witches and all

Who watches passions its like a teen soap opera?passions soap opera

I've been watching sine the beggining. It's stupid but I keep watching everyday. The witchcraft is ok for the most part funny %26amp; all. I just can't stand how they never resolve anything!!!!

Who watches passions its like a teen soap opera?mr messed up opera theater

I love passions and I've been a fan of the show since it started but now that it's on direct tv I can't get to see it. I specifically watched it for the magic and witches twists to it, but then they had to down play the magic and focus more on relationships to bring in an older crowd. All in all it was a nice watch.
i love passions.
The witches is what makes it interesting I loveendora and her mother. Boy i miss timmy. sadly it went off our station can`t watch it anymore. I hated Teresa for a while she was always fate this fate that got sick if it.
i love passions i been watching it for a while

it gets weard with the whitches somethimes but still good
I miss passions

The soap opera show i missed was passions on abc channel 3 is there a way to watch it online?

Passions is an NBC soap, so it's unlikely it was on an ABC channel. Nevertheless, you might try online peer-to-peer networks like TorrentSpy or PirateBay. It's a long shot (and also kinda illegal), but if you're desperate, it's worth a try!

The soap opera show i missed was passions on abc channel 3 is there a way to watch it online?movie theater

i think you have to pay a small price for it but yea you can watch it online

The soap opera show i missed was passions on abc channel 3 is there a way to watch it online?tickets opera theater

Probably, but why waste time and most likely money. Those soap opera's never change. You'll catch up tomorrow like today never happened. Soap opera's are carefully staged re-runs.
if you want to know what happened i watched it so i could tell you what happen if you want to know just reply back..

Who watched "passions goes bollywood" ? it's a soap opera?

Passions is a soap opera and some of the characters were planning to move to India so one of them fantasized a whole Bollywood extravaganza about moving there and ditching the woman causing them grief. I recorded it, but I'm not sure where it is. None of the characters are Indian, but there were a lot of Bollywood dancers that were brought in for this episode.

Who watched "passions goes bollywood" ? it's a soap opera?home theater

I bet my mother did and my gay uncle

What happened on the soap opera PASSION's yesterday?!?

I had to go to school so I missed it!!


Im gonna go crazy.. lol

What happened on the soap opera PASSION's yesterday?!?amc theater

June 12 2007, from

At the station, Noah shows Paloma the gift his dad gave him, a diamond ring. She says it’s beautiful. He says it is flawless, just like her. He says his grandfather gave it to his grandma when he proposed. He remembers his grandparents as a happy white haired couple, they always wore sweaters in August and were going on walks holding hands. Paloma says that is what they talked about, what they wanted. Noah says before his grandma died, she gave the ring to his parents to keep for him, until he found a woman he loved as much as his grandfather loved her. Paloma says that is a great story. He says it’s more than a story. She asks if he is? He gets down on one knee to propose to Paloma. He says he wasn’t looking for love, they started off friends, but then he found her in his thoughts and dreams. He says he loves her, he loves her more than any woman he’s ever loved. He knows they haven’t been together long, but he’s convinced she is the right woman for him. He wants to spend his life with her. He asks her to do him the honor of becoming his wife. Will she marry him? He asks her not to keep him in suspense. Paloma asks why he’s proposing to her now? He says he loves her, he wants to spend his life with her. She loves him too, but she wasn’t expecting this. She wonders if this is the right time. She says Luis could be executed, Jess could be facing murder charges. She wonders if they should focus on their loved ones. Noah feels that is why Sam gave him the ring now, to show him the importance of love and being with the one you love. She says they are together. He ask if they are making the most of it? He says look at his dad, he lost his mom. He says they are surrounded by people who regret what has happened with their own relationships. Still, Paloma wonders if this isn’t being selfish. He thinks they can can still help Luis and Jessica while being engaged. He says they can show them and everyone else that what is important in life is love. Noah thinks it is right they get engaged, for them and for everyone they know. He asks her again to marry him. Paloma says she does love him. He says he loves her too, and he realizes their love is easy, comfortable, perfect. He says it’s how he knew she was the one for him. He feels it in his heart and soul. Suddenly they are interrupted by the phone, she has to take it as it could be the lab. It s the lab and they have the results on the piece of glass she sent in.

In her old room, Whitney is talking to herself about Chad when Theresa shows up to see her. Theresa got Whitney’s message. Theresa says so she left Chad. Whitney says her marriage is over. Theresa says she’s sorry, she hates seeing her like this. Whitney says Chad came here to try and fix things, but they can’t be fixed. Theresa doesn’t know what Chad was thinking, she always thought Chad loved her. Whitney says maybe love isn’t enough. Whitney says maybe she’s the reason Chad went to be with Vincent. Theresa doesn’t see how Whitney could think she is the reason. Whitney says Chad needed something and had to turn to Vincent to get it. Whitney says it makes sense. She says as a woman, she can’t understand to feel pleasure as a man. Whitney says Vincent could, so Chad turned to him to get what he needed. Theresa says if what Whitney is saying is true then they’d all be gay. She says what Chad did wasn’t about Whitney, it’s about Chad. Whitney says still Chad says it was only sex, so maybe she wasn’t doing something right. Theresa tells her to stop this. She says Chad cheated because he is gay and wanted Vincent. Whiney says Chad keeps saying he’s not gay. Theresa says this went on for over a year, it wasn’t a one time thing. She thinks that makes Chad gay. Whitney just doesn’t understand how Chad could do this to her and their family. Theresa doesn’t know. She tells Whitney that she’s a wonderful person and has so much to offer. She says Whitney will find another guy, they’ll fall in love and he’ll be a wonderful father to her children. Whitney says no, she’ll never let another man in her life again. Theresa says she can’t be serious. Whitney says Chad worked so hard to get her to let him into her life, and look what happened. She says no never again. She says her children will have father figures, her own father, her mom’s son with Julian, Ethan. Whitney says her whole life with Chad has just been a huge lie, She thinks Theresa should be on the same page with her, love has only torn her life apart too. Theresa thinks they need to change things up, they need to go out and celebrate moving on. Theresa says they’ll celebrate anything is impossible, even finding love again. Whitney still on the anything is possible part with Chad being on the down low. Theresa says then they’ll just go out and listen to some music. They decide to go to the Blue Note.

Chad and Ethan meet at the Blue Note. They are talking. Chad says Whitney left him, he messed up big time. Ethan says he was cheating on her with a man, he needs to give Whitney time and space. Chad says it’s no use, his marriage is over. He lost his wife, his son and his unborn child because of Vincent. Chad says he can’t blame Vincent, he never should have gotten involved with Vincent. Ethan asks why he did? Chad says he thought he had lost Whitney forever, he didn’t want to betray Whitney by being another woman. Ethan says he slept with Valerie though, and if he wanted casual sex . . . . Why not a woman? Chad says he went out for a drink one night, ended up in a gay bar. He says after a lot of drinks he woke up with Vincent. He chalked it up to too many drinks. However a few days later he went back looking for Vincent, then they started seeing one another. Chad says he was addicted. Ethan says so Vincent made him realize he was gay? Chad says he’s not gay. Ethan says men who have sex with men are gay. Chad says he slept with Whitney too. Ethan says then he’s bisexual. Chad says no, he loves Whitney, it was just sex with Vincent. Ethan isn’t understanding this. Chad doesn’t get why nobody can accept that what he had with Vincent was just sex. Ethan seems to catch Chad and some other guy at the bar giving one another looks. Ethan realizes Chad is cruising that guy. Chad tell Ethan relax, the guy just looked like someone he DJ’d with at a club in West Hollywood. Ethan says that’s almost as gay as province town. Ethan thinks Chad is not dealing with this. Chad continues to say he’s not gay, he loves Whitney, Vincent was just sex. He says he has a child and one on the way, how can he have that if he’s gay. Ethan says it’s been known to happen. Chad is upset that Ethan thinks he’s gay, so he will prove he’s not. Chad sees a girl and decides to prove he’s straight. Ethan thinks this is not a good idea.

Chad goes over to a woman and says she’s the winner of a most beautiful woman in the place, the prize is a drink with him. She likes the way he works. When she finds out he is Chad Harris Crane, as in the Cranes, she thinks it is her lucky night. She kisses him! Meanwhile Whitney and Theresa soon show up. Whitney thinks this is just what she needs to forget about her gay cheating husband. They end up shocked by what they see.

In prison, Luis hears the blackmailer laughing at him. Sam shows up, Luis asks Sam if Fancy found a DNA match on the blackmailer. Sam says no, he’s here because of Fancy. Sam says the blackmailer found out what was up with Fancy. Sam says Fancy is dead. Luis wakes up, yes it was just a dream. Luis thinks he has to stop Fancy from trying to help him. He yells for the guard, but the guard won’t help Luis. He even threatens to throw Luis in solitary. Luis realizes he can’t go to solitary, he won’t be able to warn Fancy. Luis claims a prisoner on death row can’t be put in solitary, it violates federal law. The guard tells Luis he may have gotten out of this, but he will pay this. Luis is left in his cell, he still has no way to warn Fancy that she’s in danger. Luis comes up with a plan and somehow triggers a fire alarm. The guard shows up when Luis starts screaming. Luis asks where the fire is! The guard says it was a false alarm. The guard thinks Luis did this, but Luis claims the guard could have done it while smoking his cigarette. Sam soon shows up claiming he got a call about a fire. The guard says it was just a false alarm. Sam then sees Luis, he thinks Luis set this off. Luis did, he knew if the fire alarm went off then the Chief would have to check it out. Luis tells Sam this is an emergency, Fancy needs Sam’s help. He tells Sam what Fancy is up to with the blackmailer’s DNA. He’s afraid the blackmailer could find out what she’s up to. He begs Sam to go to the hospital and find her before the blackmailer does.

Fancy arrives at the hospital and breaks into Eve’s office. Someone is watching her. They sneak up on her, Fancy sees them and says “You!” It’s only Sheridan, who wonders why Fancy is breaking into Eve’s office. She threatens to turn her into hospital security. Fancy asks why she’s so mean and hateful? Sheridan says that is what Pretty said to her all the time. Fancy tells her to go to hell. Sheridan still wants an answer. Fancy tells Sheridan she is here because Sheridan blew it and let the blackmailer escape. Sheridan demands to know what Fancy is up to, the longer they argue the more time they waste. Fancy says fine, she explains that she had a DNA test done on the blackmailer, but there were no match in the state and federal databases. Fancy says she’s here to use the hospital computers to find a match. Sheridan says so Fancy can save Luis. Fancy says this is not about them, it’s about saving Luis. Sheridan won’t turn Fancy in, but she does insist she help Fancy. She won’t let Fancy save Luis on her own, they’ll do it together. They bicker some more, but soon head into the office. After they go in, we see a janitor show up outside of the office. Of course the janitor is the blackmailer, who says they will stop Fancy dead in her tracks.

In Eve’s office, they run the DNA test. Sheridan says if this doesn’t work then she doesn’t know what else they can do to help Luis. Fancy then says the computer has a match! The spying blackmailer says Fancy and Sheridan will have matching coffins before long. The computer has a program to generate the person’s photo. They wait for the image to clear are the PC. Sheridan asks why it won’t give them a name while they wait? Fancy doesn’t know, she didn’t write the program. Sheridan gets bored waiting, she goes to get them coffee. Sheridan claims she’s only doing this for Luis, not for her. Fancy just wants to save Luis from being executed. Sheridan says that is what she wants too. Sheridan then leaves Fancy alone. Fancy claims she’s dying to know who the blackmailer is. The blackmailer heads into the office saying Fancy is about to find out! The blackmailer approaches her with a rubber tube to strangle her from behind.

What happened on the soap opera PASSION's yesterday?!?concerts opera theaterSadly I can't take credit for writing it but simply copying and pasting it from the link I posted at the top of my answer. The guy that runs that website does summaries (in that length) every day, so any time you miss a show, go there before you come here! Report It

i can't believe u watch that crap
that crap is still on, my sister told me that show is going to be CANCELLED!!! they will never get to the point.
GIRL!!! YOU NEED TO GET YOURSELF SOME DVR! it's the best. I am watching Tuesday's episode of Passions right now. and it's 11:16 P.M. =)
Theresa, Ethan, %26amp; Whitney saw Chad dancing with 2 woman and Whitney broke up his "shank sandwich"(her words). Whitney told him that he needed to admit that he was gay. Paloma didn't given Noah a answer to his proposal. The Blackmailer attacked Fancy but Sherdian %26amp; Sam got to her it time. Fancy called Sherdian out for knowing that The Blackmailer was attacking her but did nothing to stop him/her. Ivy %26amp; Julian planned the leave town and move to Paris to start a life together now that he has given up his power at Crane but he didn't tell her about his deal with Thersea. When Ethan saw them dancing together, he pulled his mother aside and said that she was crazy to trust Julian. While they were talking, Thersea told Julian that he should just sell Crane and give the money away to charity but he said that he couldn't do that because he planned to turn Crane into a bigger empire than it is today. When Ivy heard him, she slapped him for not being honest with her.
go to and check it can watch episodes online there
go to

there is a community section and click on watch episodes (it says something like that)

Where can i get the soap opera passion's sneek peeks and vcr alert?

got to

Where can i get the soap opera passion's sneek peeks and vcr alert?movie theatre

I think you can go on

Where can i get the soap opera passion's sneek peeks and vcr alert?playhouse opera theater

go to the website I believe that is it. They give scoops, updates and rumors on what's happening on every soap.

Who thinks that Passions is one of thy most stupid, not realistic, immature soap opera on tv?

Not too mention the story lines are so lame and not real it's just so stupid. No wonder why it's the lowest rating soap.

Who thinks that Passions is one of thy most stupid, not realistic, immature soap opera on tv?imax theater

me. i hate passions with a passion. the stories are boring and long as h3ll. i'm glad it's goin to directv

Who thinks that Passions is one of thy most stupid, not realistic, immature soap opera on tv?classical music opera theater

It is supposed to be a satire of soap operas... a joke on them.
oh yea i do.... do you remember when the story lines were cool and u couldn't wait to see another episode, now it has got to be the lamest unrealistic thing on tv....the charcters have left their previous purpose they want so much drama that it is making the show dumber and dumb so i am with on this....the show is no more cool, and my passion 4 it is gone....even the passion and the love in the show is gone
OMG I agree 100%. Passions wassssss ok it first. but the storyline became so drawn out for months and it got so stupid. It's so unrealistic .They tend to go back and forth, back and forth and gets no where.

I find myself watching it and i realize what am doing...and i ask myself "Why the hell am i watching this again?"

It would have to be NOTHING else on tv. lol
I liked Passions at first's just gotten dumb. Now wonder NBC chose to get rid of it and put another hour of the Today was kinda like Port Charles...and look what happened to that show...
oh i do. I started watching when it first began but when they brought in the chimp, i was through.
First of all Soaps are not reality. They are television dramas which take things that happen in real life when people choose not to use common sense and then they condense, homogenize %26amp; exagerate these incidents and distribute them to a handful or two handfuls of characters.

If they focused just on what people do, who exercise common sense, they wouldn't have anything interesting to write about.

As I tell my family %26amp; friends I much prefer my drama to be on television %26amp; not in real life! In real life I much prefer to use good old fashioned common sense.

As for Passions it is a fantasy soap, it always has been %26amp; it always will be. It is fun, campy with it's tongue-in-cheek humor. It was never created to be taken seriously. It is a soap for those of us who once enjoyed a soap called Dark Shadows.

There are plenty of other serious soaps if you need to watch something that you deem more realistic. If you don't like Passions don't watch it, there are enough other people , who do enjoy watching it that will. As far as it's rating goes, who cares. Dark Shadows also had a low rating but it is now a classic %26amp; is purchaseable on dvd. None of the other soaps popular during that time have been put on dvd's.

Just remember what you see on TV is not the way anyone should live their life. It's just fun to watch but it isn't reality.

Not even reality tv is reality!
I tried watching it when it first came on but could never get into it. From all the comments here I guess I didn't miss much.
I really, really did enjoy watching it, but everything has become wayyyy drawn out lately. Maybe they are saving some of the good stuff for when they go to Direct TV. I don't have Direct TV, nor will I be getting it.
My daughter and I like to watch it because the story lines are SO unrealistic, and yes dumb, that it's funny! I'm sure that's why it's moving to direct tv and being dumped from network.
I thought it was dumb when it first came on and I still feel that way. The story lines are so farfetched and dragged out that it takes well over a year for anything to get resolved. I was ready to see it go when my favorite soap, Sunset Beach, was cancelled.
I think it is funny...especially the witch story line. Tabitha %26amp; Endora are too cute!!!
I think it's everything you said.....that's why I love it!
It is stupid I agree, but I also find some aspects of it to be hilarious!! I haven't been able to watch it for quite some time, but some of the characters in the past really cracked me up.

Which is better: getting soap opera weekly, or reading off the internet?

Im a guy and watch Passions and since it is moving to DirecTV September 17, I wanted to know since I could keep up on Passions to get Soap Opera Weekly or just read stuff off the internet. What is your opinion?

Which is better: getting soap opera weekly, or reading off the internet?dream theater

Stop watching soap operas completely...pick up a good how-to-do-it book and read. You might just learn something.

Which is better: getting soap opera weekly, or reading off the internet?performing arts opera theater

internet, you get a broad view and many point of views not just one
Passions = VOMIT. Why don't you try reading a nice classic novel or making some friends??
save your money read it off the internet

How can I get past episodes of soaps operas? Passions 5/25/07 with Chad and Vincent?

chad and vincent passions soap opera gay bar sceen

How can I get past episodes of soaps operas? Passions 5/25/07 with Chad and Vincent?amc theatre

Try these links:

How can I get past episodes of soaps operas? Passions 5/25/07 with Chad and Vincent?symphony opera theater

you can watch passions on
Check out "Amatuer Gay Porn" videos on E bay!
There are many soaps that have dvds out. Go online to Wal

Marts to see if your soap is one that has DVDs out. I have seen General Hospital and All My Children dvds.
YUCK! why would you want it?

PASSIONS!!! no more???? WHAT????

there is no more passions (soap opera??) It moved to Direct tv. which i can't get ..because my family will kill me!!! So how can i get it?? Do they sell the DVD ..or will they ..anything?????? Thanks!

PASSIONS!!! no more???? WHAT????imax theatre

Passions will begin airing online beginning October 1st at for a small subscription fee of $19.95 a month. Each episode will be posted online daily and kept online for 8 weeks.

PASSIONS!!! no more???? WHAT????performing show opera theater

have you tried looking up the playback on youtube
Watch Days of our lives instead. Jack kills evlena
I was upset too.I did read on Wikipedia that they will have the episodes online,but you'll have to pay to watch them.I tried you tube,trust me they aren't up.No DVD's either......unfortunately.On Passions official website,they only show you bits and pieces of the show now.It aggravates me,because of course I want to see the whole show.
Hello krygag,

Of course yes, it moved to Direct tv, because NBC company cancelled "Passions".(^_^)

They can't sell the dvd, because over 2,086 episodes too much.(^_^).

You tell your family have to get Direct tv to watch "Passions"

I missed "Passions", because I have I have a Bright House cable and I wouldn't switch provider for one show.

I am still watch "Day of our live" and "General Hospital"(^_^)


Hey I was watchin passions live yesterday and they said they are playing episodes on NBC. Isnt that great!! So u dont have to miss it at all anymore.

Heres the link :

On Passions, does anyone know who the blackmailer is?

Whoever watches passions (soap opera), could u please tell me who the blackmailer is if u know, or who he/she might be?

On Passions, does anyone know who the blackmailer is?shows

Knowing Passions, it could be ANYBODY. Did you see Sheridan's face when she accidently pulled the blackmailers mask off, about 5 min. ago?

My Choices:

1) Pretty - The irony would be that her name is pretty, but she has some kind of disablity (most likely to her face)

2) Vincent - He has the same kind of body, and sounds like the black mailer, but then again this is Passions.

3) Somebody you will least expect; Passions has done this in the past.

On Passions, does anyone know who the blackmailer is?comedy show opera theater

We dont know yet! I personally think that it is Vincent and Valerie. I think they are the same person and the Evian child. I don't know where Pretty comes in but I know that she probably has something to do with it.

# 1 Theresa Fan!

I wish people would stop saying its Pretty when ITS NOT

Why would Pretty wanna make love to her brother Ethan
I think that Eve and Julian had twins.. Vincent and Valerie.. Because it said that she was unconscious right after she gave birth and she was only told it was a boy. So it could be them.

But it could also be Beth. Burned up from the car wreck that she was in when the car exploded.
1. Vincent

2. Valerie

3. Pretty Crane

4. Demon elves
So how many times does this questions need to be asked?

I used to be a passions fan but because of all this dragging on the plot and unrealistic crap I cannot stand to watch it.

Yes I know soaps are made up but c'mon at least some other ones (the best being Y%26amp;R) is realistic.

Who agrees?
at this point, I don't even care.

they have dragged this stupid thing on TOO long.
Ok I think it is Pretty. I have answered this question is the reason I believe it to be Pretty:

I was browsing around looking for information on trying to figure out who the blackmailer is, and I saw on WIKIPEDIA this about the character Pretty Crane on Passions:

According to a recent issue of TV Guide magazine, Melinda Sward will debut as Pretty on July 30, 2007

So in true Passions fashion they will keep us waiting until the end of our rope, and just when we are about to give up on them they will reveal who it is....

But the person who answered before Pretty is Ethans sister, so it couldn't be her, got me thinking 2 things:

1. To be the blackmailer you have to be crazy in the first place, so being in love with your half brother isn't so off the wall.

2. On the flipside, good point.... the investigation ensues...

I looked on again, (wikipedia is great you go type in passions and you can find EVERYTHING there is to know and all the comings and goings off cast members, you name it)

Do any of you remember Esme?

"Esme is a rich, socialite friend of Fancy Crane. The two grew up together in the same boarding school. She once went to jail in the past because someone else had planted drugs in her purse. She is shallow and stuck up, and often tries to flirt with the men in Fancy's life. She often flirted with Fancy's boyfriend Noah Bennett. On her first appearance, she went crazy and tried to shoot Fancy and her now ex-boyfriend Noah"

She is making a return! September who knows...In my opinion... it could go either way....

I guess we'll have to wait and see !
pretty crane because the blackmailer said he/she has a difigurament face and pretty crane probable ran away because fance got all the attention since theyre sisters and anyway alistors favorite was fancy and the episode where the blackmailer asks chariton to kill theresa and the blackmailer will get pretty to tell louis whatever fancy did to her sooooo the blackmailer (which is probably pretty) can show herself to louis and just so you know the blackmailer probably doesn't want to kill theresa because ethan loves theresa and if the blackmailer killed theresa then ethan wouldn't love the blackmailer.

hope that helped!!!!!!=D %26lt;3

no im jk i really had you there though.

i think its vincent and valerie sewn together and when they are seen seperatle they spread apart! they have magical powers and are related to tabitha. DUH why isnt it so obvious to everyone else?! am i the only genius!?!?! and no its not jared. why would he want ethan. it is totally vinny and val. myy hommiiies :]

the BM( bowel movement) is definatly vinny and val and if you think any other way then BOOOY are you nuts!!!!!!

mucho love babess %26lt;333333333

%26amp; fyi who ever doesnt belive me will be forever punished to eternal darkness

yaaaaaayyyaa :]

General Hospital Soap Opera?

Hey guys.

Since my favorite Soap (Passions) is getting canceled, I figured I would start on a new Soap this summer while I'm out of school....

At the moment, it seems like General Hospital and The Young and the Restless are the best! (I know lots of people like Days of our Lives, but my mom watches that haha)

So anyway, if you watch GENERAL HOSPITAL, would you mind telling me why you like it?


(P.S.) I will be posting another one of these for T.Y.A.T.R.

Easy 10 pnts.

General Hospital Soap Opera?concert venue

I love GH! I used to watch Days, and still do occassionally, and sometimes I'll watch other shows, but GH is the one soap I always come back to. I like that the storylines are usually so fresh and interesting. Every once and a while they'll do something predictable (the whole Baldwin is Logan's father thing I saw coming a mile away), but for the most part the story is always fresh. But what I REALLY love about GH is that it moves along. Too many soaps, especially Days, seem to drag on in their storylines. I could miss a month of Days and not be that far behind in the storyline. You miss one day of GH and you might have missed something important, but don't worry the writers always do a good job of making sure that people who miss stuff can get caught up, without replaying everything a million times. The storylines move along quickly but the writers do take the time to develope the stories and the characters properly; they just don't drag things out.

I also love GH because of the characters. I immediately fell in love with some of the characters on the show, after only watching one or two episodes.

The website (on is really good; I found it very helpful when I first started watching GH (about a year and a half ago). It has good character bios, family trees (so you can see who is related to who), episode recaps, and other good resources to help you get caught up on all the happenings in Port Charles.

General Hospital Soap Opera?events opera theater

Congrats, those are my two favorite soaps. GH has great story lines and they are always fresh...never stale. Mostly young exciting characters. OF course eveyrone is sleeping with each other but it's not too over the top. Right now I"m hoping Jason and Elizabeth end up together. HE fathered her baby, but she's married and HE's in the mob.

I also watch One Life To live and the Bold and The Beautiful. They're OK too. (Just OK)
I watch General Hospital, and I would say it's my favorite...the reasons I like it include: 1. the story lines for each character are well thought out, and believable. 2. there isn't a lot of turnover when it comes to characters, (they seem to keep the same actors)...3.There is always something interesting going on 4. It has the occasional steamy love scene, and 5. You don't need to watch EVERY single episode to know whats going on...if you accidentally miss an episode you won't be completely lost by the time the next episode comes along.
General Hospital is easily my favorite. I've been watching for as long as I can remember. Every one of the reasons listed above is absolutely true! The story lines are fresh and interesting and each of the characters is allowed to develop in their own way. Take Carly for example - she is an ice cold b#$%ch, but she is also the most loyal, giving, and caring friend anyone can ask for.

Another thing I like about GH is that they move the story line along quickly. You won't get stuck with the same characters wearing the same clothes and saying the same things over and over again for months at a time. Some stories take longer than others to develop, but they throw in other interesting stuff while we're waiting.

Lastly, every once in awhile they will throw in a socially responsible story - like breast cancer, lung cancer, HIV, rape and abuse. They handle these stories in a way that raises awareness in the GH watching community.

Overall, I would say this is the best soap out there!

Good Luck!

Is it true that the real fox from passions left to be on the new t.v. show aquaman?

i think i saw a picture of him posing for that show, but im not sure. i tried looking for the pic again, no luck. Just want to know if that's why he left passions(soap opera)

Is it true that the real fox from passions left to be on the new t.v. show aquaman?performing shows

yes, he left to go to a show that didn't do to good in the ratings!

Is it true that the real fox from passions left to be on the new t.v. show aquaman?say yes opera theater

I don't know but him and the lady that plays Theresa are married in real life.
I don't know but Aquaman didn't make CW's list and won't be airing

The Young And the Restless Soap Opera?

Hey guys.

Since my favorite Soap (Passions) is getting canceled, I figured I would start on a new Soap this summer while I'm out of school....

At the moment, it seems like General Hospital and The Young and the Restless are the best! (I know lots of people like Days of our Lives, but my mom watches that haha)

So anyway, if you watch THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS, would you mind telling me why you like it?


(P.S.) I already posted one of these for GH, if you like that one more! :D

Easy 10 pnts.

The Young And the Restless Soap Opera?mr messed up

There are just so many reasons to watch Y%26amp;R. My advice would be to go and read the history of the storylines. Y%26amp;R is the only soap I know that has tackled issues from cancer to hearing loss, being blind, epilepsy, alcoholism and now porn addiction. It also wrote in a real face lift when the woman who plays Katherine Chancellor (Jeanne Cooper) had a face lift in real life.

The Young And the Restless Soap Opera?getting late opera theaterHey don't be a stranger. Post comments on what you think about the show. We have plenty of Y%26amp;R questions here. Report It

This is the best soap opera! The actors and actresses are the best. They make us feel the emotions that they are going through. They have stories on here that we can relate to. The Young and the Restless is good with bringing new characters on to the show. I think that is better than having the show be only about one or two families. There never seems to be a dull day on this show. Every day is action packed. I have been watching this show for over 20 years now. (I started watching with my mother when I was 10 during time off from school.). I come over to my mom's house every day to have lunch with her and watch our favorite soap opera together. This show is awesome and I can't think of a better show to watch.
OK - I have been watching since the beginning. You know David Hasselhoff - right? (Baywatch - America's Got Talent).... He started off as Snapper Foster (Jill's brother). Now that you have a familiarity started here....let's continue.

Jill had an affair with a man named Philip Chancellor who was married to Kathryn. We just found out that an earlier link with another man made Kathryn prgnant and had a baby that she gave up - you guessed it - Jill.

Through feuds, etc....Jill now has the posh job of running Kathryn's company (she is LOADED).....

That is just one of the can find the history of any soap opera on the net - or in books....

Quote from below net source......

The Young and the Restless revolves around the rivalries, romances, hopes and fears of the residents of the fictional Midwestern metropolis, Genoa City. The lives and loves of a wide variety of characters mingle through the generations, dominated by the Newman, Abbott and Winters families. When The Young and the Restless premiered in 1973, it revolutionized the daytime drama.
I guess i would say i like Y%26amp;R because of the characters and storylines. They seem a bit more realistic than say Passions or DOOL. I know most soaps are far fetched but Y%26amp;R doesn't go to far out
the show is awesome . the actors play they part with so much realism that you can actually feel for their character and the plots are very realistic so you can relate. this is undoubtedly the best damn soap show period
I've been watching Y%26amp;R on and off for years since I was little, it's the kind of show you can't help but watch. I tried watching some other soap operas but as far as soap operas go I think Y%26amp;R is the most realistic :) You really grow to love the characters and people who you once hated begin to be your favorites! I hope you like Y%26amp;R I do :)
Young and the restless kills any other soap opera. I love The young and the restless! If you like passions, you havnt seen nothing yet!
spectacular acting!!! they are so believable and they are good at what they do...........wonderful and strong story lines.

I also watch GH.........its ok. they have a mix of both great and not so good actors. but it will be ranked #2 on my list.
In a nutshell, Y%26amp;R is everything Passions isn't. For me, watching Passions when I'm home is like a bad habit and I'm only seeing it through the end just to see how they end it. The Y%26amp;R writers move storylines along, bring in new charachters that are actually interesting, are not redundant, etc. Frankly, I'm surprised that Passions lasted this long. Eight years and nothing has ever really happened. The same people are still fighting over the same people (can we say, "Co-dependant?") and I'm not sure if any storyline has ever really ended, except for Martin and Kathrine (is that her name?) running off together. Silly people. They wouldn't be in these messes if they weren't so clingy and codependant.

PASSIONS fans - what other soap operas do you watch?

Which one is your favorite? And how does is it different as well as similar to PASSIONS?

Since Passions will be cancelled in Sept and I don't have Direct TV (where it will be relocated) I won't get to watch it anymore. I've been watching Passions since the first episode, and although I'd like to begin watching another soap opera, I wonder if I could do that because most of them have been on for years and I don't know the characters, their history, or anything about the show. I'm upset about Passions being cancelled soon but since there's not much I can do I would like to find another soap opera worth getting addicted to, so I'd appreciate some advice.

PASSIONS fans - what other soap operas do you watch?tickets

After watching Days of Our Lives for about a decade, I have found that it's the only other shows besides passions which really gets me excited and makes me look forward to it. You don't have to know all the characters and plots to enjoy the show - you will learn it as you watch. Give it a shot, watch it for a week or two and you'll find yourself getting pulled into the story. If you like Passions, you will definitely enjoy DOOL!

PASSIONS fans - what other soap operas do you watch?ballet opera theater

i watch Young and the Restless and Days
I don't watch passions but I would love to answer this question ... I watch days of our lives... IT'S AWESOME!!!!! :D
dool and passions is the only ones i watch
I don't watch any other one,

I hate the idea of paying to watch T.V. but I'm really considering getting Direct TV just so I can watch it
I have been watching Days of Our Lives since day one back in 1965. I grew up with many of the characters and have come to think of some of them as family....Like Grandma Horton. What a doll she is! Julie was the same age as me when the show started and she is a great grandma now.

The core of the show is about two families...the Hortons and the Bradys. How is it similar? Well, they are soaps..And at one time there was some supernatural stuff going on.
I watch Days of Our Lives and General Hospital.

Days once had the same writer as Passions, so they also had their fair share of wacky sci fi storylines in the past. I will warn you that the storyline movement can be a bit slow at times, but they are trying to change that. The acting and stories are better on Days too. I would highly suggest watching Days, especially since the Dimeras are returning. They are the evil family on the show who have not been on in a few years. This summer is going to be dedicated to finding out why the Dimera family hates the Bradys, which is a question that has never been answered before. Now would be a good time to start watching.

As for General Hospital, it is a totally different show from Passions and Days, which is why I like it. The writing, action, suspense, and storyline movement is great. It is very heavy in violence too because some of the characters are involved in the mob. I started watching a few years ago. I was amazed at how quickly the storylines moved compared to Passions and Days. I was like, "So this is what a real soap opera is like!" haha The characters are riveting and the acting is superb. I love the show and recommend it if you want something less sci-fi, more action-packed, and more dramatic.
I grew up watching Days of Our Lives and still watch it today! All soaps are pretty much the same: Love triangles, infidelity, questioned paternity, people coming back from the dead, and the endless fight of good versus evil. Passions is the like the 4th soap to go off on NBC but Days is still here after nearly 45 years! There is something to be said for longevity! ;)
My wife got started on Days. She also got me watching Oprah and Dr. Phil! But thats OK, I'm secure in my manhood.
i would say days of our lives.
I watch Passions every blue moon I don't know all of the story lines nor do I watch it everyday but my favorite is Days I've been watching for as long as I can remember my late Grams use to watch it my mom, my sisters and my brother watch. I had my ex husband hooked now my hubby watches it. Days is the end all and be all of soaps for me. I can go with out watching a single television show as long as I can watch Days. As for any other Soap Nothing will ever be abl;e to compete
I think that you should try watching several soaps. Watch a week or so of each one, because a day or two won't really tell you anything. I personally watch Days of Our Lives. I inherited it from my Great-Grandma. I started watching it at her house when I was little. Good luck!
Days of Our Lives is my all-time favorite soap. There are more whodunnit storylines and several times I've been on the edge of my seat. Every now and then they'll have a funny line or story. As for Passions, I don't watch faithfully, but enough to keep up with the stories. Ethan cracked me up the other day when discussing Chad's sexual preference. He said, "Chad's gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that." Reminded me of an episode of my alltime fav comedy show "Seinfeld".
i only watch passions! i will watch no other. it would be like replacing a loved one or something ya know?
I love Passions the most but I also watch Days of our Lives!



If you are angry about NBC adding another hour to the today show and canceling passions, sign this petition! We are going for 500 signatures people! Get your friends on this! This will be sent to NBC along with a very angry e-mail about my beloved soap opera passions.


by the way, if u dont want to save passions, just dont answer this question at all. TYVM


OMG they can't cancel passions i love that show it makes my life seem normal comparded to theirs

HELP ME SaVE NBC'S PASSIONS!?sheet music opera theaterSAVE PASSIONS please i absouluty love this soap and i am not much of a soap opera fan but passions i have been watching since it first aired so please do everything you can to save it. Report It

If they got new writers the show could be good because they have good characters that are very attractive............story lines go on way tooooooooooooo long. 500 signatures won't save it try 5 million to save it
I hope Passions doesn't get cancelled!!!!! It is the only soap I have ever watched and I am not a young chick. I love Passions. I can't wait each day for it to come on. I think all of their characters are beauties and handsome. I would not watch the Today Show and I would canvas others not to watch it. The Today show is not that interesting to begin with. SAVE PASSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly I don't blame them for making space for the today show. Passions needs alot of room for improvement. Unless they change the whole script. Sometimes I have to change the channel when it's on because it is so out of the ordinary. And nothing changes. Two weeks can go by and it is still in the same scenario.
By the way.. .I'm pretty sure she said, and I quote:

"if u dont want to save passions, just dont answer this question at all."

hmm.... duh!

THAT'S WHY I WATCH IT!!! Because it's so dumb that it's stupid and it's funny that the writers think that it could actually happen and that the viewers are idiots who don't know what is happening!

SAVE PASSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did you hear about this? They can't cancel Passions! They need to get rid of that stupid I Village show instead. I had heard that the Megan Mulaly show was getting cancelled and thought that was were that extra hour was going to come in. Who honestly needs 4 hours of the Today show anyways. I mean won't their throats get hoarse talking that long everyday. I like the Today show, but if they cancel Passions, I will not watch it anymore. And I know several people that would do the same thing. Then they put on that other show. I love Passions. I have watched it religiously for 7 years. I record it on the DVR everyday. They can't cancel it!!!!!!!
Okay, let's save passions! lol
Janice Irving

Patricia Irving

Margaret Irving

Aleathea VanWicklin

The above would like to know what nbc is thinking. Cancelling passions is the most stupid thing we ever heard. The today show is too long has it is. In fact if they do cancell passions we will never watch nbc again
I love the show. I can't believe that it will be gone. I love to see Ethan and Teressa together forever.
please don't cancel passion i have been watching passions since 1999 and i love this show the today's show doesn't need another hour add another hour to passions you will be hurting alot of people if you cancel passions passions may be crazy but it's the stories for me like watching guiding light i love to watch passions
Don't cancel Passions, the Today show is long enough as it is!
I love,love is the only soap I watch...I love it because it is different from all the others. I was looking to find away to see what I could do try to save passions from being canceled...I am not sure if this would work I did find a web site that has a petition already started...maybe if we all sign it, it might make a little difference...good luck...and SAVE PASSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the link to the web site:
i really hope you all reconsider your decisions to cancel passions you just don't know how many people have been following the show since the beginning NBC will lose allot of viewers behind this hell i even plan to stop watching the news on the channel and the shows because if passions is gone i have no reason to watch the channel at all because i feel like you all are being really inconsiderate the coming of age group finally found a soap opera that we could see from the beginning and know every detail about and now you want to cancel it how rude. we don't watch the other soap operas because they were on way way before we were born and they are pointless to watch when you don't really know what is going on or who is who. please reconsider because you all think you will not lose that many viewers and you really have no idea of the extremity of the decision you all are about to make. TRUST ME YOU ALL ARE GOING TO LOSE WAY MORE VIEWERS THAN YOU EXPECT THE TODAY'S SHOW IS SO STUPID HARDLY ANYONE WATCHES IT ANYWAY THAT IS THE WORST THREE HOURS OF THE DAMN DAY SO JUST IMAGINE FOUR OH THE AGONISING PAIN. They already have to do little stupid stuff to last for the three hours that they are on so just imagine four OH god help us all.
I am very upset! I have been watching Passions since the beginning. If NBC thinks that by adding another hour to the Today show is going to bring in more viewers, they are wrong! Who watches the Today show anyway???
Today show is already long enough! and it sucks, it doesnt deserve another hour.
First of all I've been watching this show from day 1. I cannot believe they need another hour for the today show-it sucks for the first 3 hours-PLEASE!!!!! If they cancel passions I will never watch the pea"cock" network ever again!!! SAVE PASSIONS!!!!




It is soo sad that they want to cancel passions i have been watching it since i was 15 and now im 21....I have recorded every episode...Please dont cancel passions!!!

Passions DVD?

Where I can buy a DVD of the soap opera Passions(NBC)?

Passions DVD?concerts

i wish they had those so that i can watch them from the begging cuz i missed so much :(.

Passions DVD?headache opera theater

I don't believe you can as of yet. However, I'm sure the demand for that will go up when they switch to Direct TV this fall.
Soap Operas normally don't come out on DVD
I don't think they have that - matter fact, I don't think there's ever been an American soap release on DVD or VHS.

Although, this may be the exception, and NBC will probably wait til Passions goes off the air in Sept, and right b4 the new programing on Direct TV.

(If I were a Network Exec trying to bleed 11th hour residuals out of a program, that's what I'd do.)
not sure


whats going on in the soap opera passions?

i havent been able to watch it for about two months because i dont have direct it teresa and ethan still together? and why all the sudden does ethan and gwen have a son together i dont get it...and whats going on with fancy and louis??


I read it everyday!!

has a few pictures too!

Passions???plays opera theater

ha ha ive been wondering the exact same thing too. i hope someone answers soon.
You can go here for recaps;
Check @

Then I look up just the characters I like (I.e Kay Bennet, Tabitha Lenox. Fancy Crane %26amp; Miguel %26amp; Luis Lopez Fitz.

From what I read not much has changed. Fancy keeps finding Luis %26amp; Sheridan in "compromising position thanks to Tabby %26amp; Kay trying to get Endora %26amp; Miguel back after they were SUCKED into a new dimension. Fancy also has a "mind control device" in her nose courtesy of her "Grampy" Alistair wanting her to be a true Crane %26amp; she betrayed his love falling for Luis. PFFT! Vince/Valerie myabe PREGNANT with Chad or Julians child EWWW! Now that's incest! Fox %26amp; other random people are being killed. Gwen has a son named Johnathan with Ethan (or so we think I thought she was sterile) %26amp; Tess STILL hasn't told him about little Ethan. Sult!
You can get daily recaps here
Hi, I haven't really been watching often, but I do read the info page on direc tv.

-I don't know about gwen and eathan, something is wrong with their baby, gwen was weird about it since she brought the baby on. I think she was pregnant when she left the show (both on and in real life) and didn't tell him

-Louis and sheridan MIGHT be back together? I'm not sure, they are always together looking for marty, is says that louis has to sacrifice himself to get marty back?

-Fancy is supposed to kiss Noah?

-Pilar has some big secret that is going to kill her entire family? There is a lady with white hair looking for Pilar and Gwen and rebecca tell her where they are, this lady is supposed to want the whole family dead!

-OMG the biggest laugh- Valerie goes to eve for an exam- well she or he (Vincent) is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if it will be to Chad?

-It also said esme ans spike were getting close? and esme and julian were drinking together?

Please don't take everything for certain because I just catch bits and pieces, but I did read some of the info! Vincent is pregnant!
Teressa is still whit Ethan.But right now they are doing a story line whit the son that Gwen and Ethan have together he get sick at the hospital do too Eve mistake(I don't think that really Ethan son' we saw her whit someone else but we didn't see is face i was thinking Alsitar . Luis and Sheridan sleep together :)

Passions shopping clothing?

I am looking for clothing advertised on internet from soap opera is a pink top with embellishments, can you help me find it?

Passions shopping clothing?classical music

Passions shopping clothing?ms stress opera theater

Sorry, have NO clue.

or here for all of it!

Passions ending?

They are cancelling the soap opera Passions in september, and I know, its cheesy but I've followed that show from the begining. Has anyone heard if it is going to be picked up by another network?


Passions ending?performing arts

I get soap opera digest and it mentioned that it may get picked up by another newtork but nothing has been confirmed although it said that a decision would be made soon.

If you like, I can keep you posted and let you know when a decision has been made. Just leave me your email and I will get back to you.

Passions ending?binoculars opera theater

They're cancelling it, I doubt it will be picked up by another network. Its sad, although I don't watch Passions....I used to though.
very unlikkely because soap rattings are down everywhere. they talkked about making it avalabul on the web but that costded too much monie
I guess the last air date will be in September. They are trying to find another network or possible show it just on the internet. I doubt they will find anyone to keep it on the air though!

Passions mystery thing??

the mystery man/ woman..or thing. in the soap opera passions..who do u think it is ..because im lost!

Passions mystery thing??symphony

I dunno but I wish they would hurry up and tell us... that storyline is getting OLD!!!

Passions mystery thing??performing arts center opera theater

errrrg I hav no clue its making me go MAD, I tell ya, MAD! ahhhhhhhh
i dont know why but I just think that it is Alistar, if not him I have no clue.
I know the actor who plays the mystery person is someone who has been on the show before. I guess the cast doesn't even know who it is. Sometimes I wonder if the writers even know. I was thinking it was Vincent but I have no idea.
Me too! But he must be some obvious person because Father Lonagan was so shocked!
I still think it is JT the reporter guy they never did show his body or have a funeral.
i think it could be pretty, JT, vincent i don't know and its getting very borring
I dunno, but they need to reveal it now because it's extremely boring and lame...

I'm starting not to care who it is...
I am tired of answering this question but I want my 2 points. Here it goes.

I think it can be more than one person.

I think it's Vincent/Valerie (same person) because at the church, the blackmailer told father Lonagin how he plans to hurt Eve and Julian, but they don't know it yet, and plus Vincent went in Valerie's desk to take the information of their missing son. Also the blackmailer is short, and has a slim shape. A shape exactly like Vincent, as well as height.

I think it could be Allister also, because he has come back from the dead before (i.e. Rome)

I think Beth could be one of them too, because her childhood was crazy apparently.

Pretty Crane. We don't know much about her, but her name just keeps coming up.
omg...I think its Vincent or Valerie b/c they both dnt noe their birth parents and neither does the blackmailer....

But I have strange thoughts that its Rebecca-she always has on red lipstick and nails and she wants Theresa away from Ethan...

Pretty-b/c Sheridan keeps bringing her up in topic and I think Pretty wants revenge on Fancy...

umm....or Alister or beth idk
It's a woman so no it's not Vincent or Allistair it's Beth you'll see.
It's Vincent b/c if you listen to his accent and how he pronounces words, you can hear it with the blackmailer's voice as well. Now there is a connection with Valerie and Vincent but I'm not sure what it is yet.

P.S. Listen to me...I said that Chad was gay 2 years ago when we found out about this "secret" affair. I have a knack for soaps!
Ive been tihnking it'z Beth.

But latley I think it could be Pritty...

Or Vincent/Valerie((i think there the same person))

But I dont know. I missed yesterday!! AGGH!

or what was her name that stole Marty. Beth?
It has to be Pretty, because of the Crane family pictures clue!! And why in the h*ll would they keep bringing her up and what a horrible thing that Fancy did to her and blah blah blah... I am getting sick of it al JUST REVEAL ALREADY!

Is passions really getting cancelled?

does anyone know if the soap opera passions is 4 sure getting cancelled?

Is passions really getting cancelled?performing show

Sadly yes Passions is getting cancelled to make room for a four hour of the "Today Show". :( Which I think is dumb. Passions will be cancelled on September 7, 2007.

Is passions really getting cancelled?opera score opera theater

yes it is Good-bye to "Passions"

Sad news! "Passions" will end its run on NBC later this year to make room for a fourth hour of the "Today" show. Click to read more!
Sadly it is supposed to end it's run in August.

Does anyone watch passions with tabbitha the witch and teresa and ethen?

i used to watch the soap opera passions faithfully every day until it got moved to sattelite television does anyone know whats going on and if so can you please fill me in?i would really appreciate it i know i could look on the web site but it sounds better coming from a real person thank you!!!!only people can tell all the really juicy parts good you know what i mean!!??

Does anyone watch passions with tabbitha the witch and teresa and ethen?comedy show

There is a site I think it's called Dustin's He watches the show them types what happened that day. He also has shows from way back when!!!! He has alot of info. Go check it out he also does it for Days of our Lives. Good luck. I used to watch it all the time....then it moved and it was pretty good then all of a sudden it sucked. Hopefully since the writers strike is over it will become really good again. I will say I think it is being taken off the air again. :( Maybe sometime at the end of this summer??? Not really sure when. Have fun.

Does anyone watch passions with tabbitha the witch and teresa and ethen?greek theater opera theater

I used to watch Passions as well! *Passions fans* I heard that you have t pay to see full episodes of the show now. I haven't watched them though... =_= don't want to pay money for things like that.
i bought the passions pass for $14.95 a month and i could watch passions everyday mon-thur %26amp; now iam all cought up on what is going on..

here's what has beengoing on

ethan luis miguel go to mexico to find pilar %26amp;thressa

pilar %26amp; thressa's boat they where in explodes

thressa is dead they think she died in the exposive or got eatin by sharks..

kay %26amp; tabitha watch whats going on in the magic bowl

but refuse to use magic cuz miguel promises if kay %26amp; tabitha use magic again he will tell everyone they are whitches..

poloma saves noah from almost bein killed

sam still is tries to find out who killed fox %26amp; every guy who gets close to asma who is actually is asamas niece vickii who is killing them

im ganna add u %26amp; email u more on whats been goin on it might be a lil confusing not nowing whats goin on


hope some of this helps

emai me if u want more or confussed on some parts



I used to watch it wayyyyy back in the day when it first started and watched religiously for a few years until it got realllly stupid. That Timmy guy died and Tabitha had a baby... Whitney and Chad were engaged or something and found out they're bother and sister and he still wanted to be with her! it just got too dumb for me to waste my time

Season DVD's of NBC's Passions?

I started watching NBC's soap opera Passions about a year ago and was wondering where to find like season DVD's. I have tried a lot of different websites and was wondering if anyone had found something that worked.

Season DVD's of NBC's Passions?events

With it being a current soap, they don't make season DVD's...typically, they don't put Soaps on DVD' can try soapnet or the nbc website...but i don't think they go back to the first year...but Passions is ending in september unless another network gets it or they decide to air the show on the internet (which was being discussed)...maybe if ends, they may decide to put in on's only been on for 7 years. Other than that, the only solution I have is to email NBC...I've done that before and they generally answer pretty promptly..hope it helps1

Season DVD's of NBC's Passions?home theatre opera theater

Sci Fi plays the reruns in the mornings, but they don't have the soap opera on DVD. They run too many episodes to do a DVD.
Depending on how long the SciFi network has the rights to airing the reruns of Passions, they may go back to the beginning again.

It is highly unlikely that they will ever be put on DVDs because when you think about it 5 days a week, all year minus holidays and other pre-emptions. That is less than 260 episodes in a year.

But, when they get the higher capacity DVD's coming down the road in the future, they might re-think it.

As for them continuing on. Last I heard was they were trying to make a deal with DirectTV to air it through them.

What ever happened to charity on passions??

i watched the soap opera passions for a long time and then it stopped playing on the channel i watched it on. when i finally got the chance to watch it again charity was gone. last i saw of her she was frozen in a block of ice and timmy was trying to save her. i know timmy died but what happened to chariy?? why isnt she still with miguel??

What ever happened to charity on passions??say yes

She left town because she said that she was in the way of Miguel being with Kay and their daughter. That's when Miguel left the show so he could go looking for Charity. Her character came back a few months ago, to tell Kay that she hadn't seen Miguel since she left Harmony and that she didn't have any feelings for him anymore, because Fox had hired impersonators of Miguel and Charity so that Kay would catch them having sex and be mad at Miguel for lying about not having feelings for Charity anymore. As soon as she found out Kay and Miguel were okay she left town again.

What ever happened to charity on passions??palace theatre opera theater

She went to mexico I think or somewhere that isn't in HArmony. She broke it offf with Miguel because she thought they could never be together. Miguel is now gonna mary Kay, he really loves her now.
she went off somewhere to be away from miguel so death wouldn tae miguels and kay baby miguel wants 2 b wit kay buy kay married fox n fox pretend to die bcuz he dnt wanna let her go now miguels big big bro is on death row some how stay home from skool and watch it one day okay youll catch trust me its crazy as ususal

Does anyone know if Taresa is dead?, on passions.?

on the soap opera Passions, does anyone know of Teresa is dead? I need to know because i was away for a while and i need someone to fill me in.

Does anyone know if Taresa is dead?, on passions.?getting late

yes, Gwen was the last person to save Theresa,she wants Theresa to be alive when she reveals to Ethan that little Ethan is his son so that she(Gwen) can get back at Theresa. I don't think a major person like Theresa would ever get killed off a soap like Passions, she plays too much of a significant part. They might want you to think that they will die, and minor characters probably would, but not major characters like her. How many times has this show said, "oh, my God, I can't get a pulse to a character?" and they wake up two seconds later just fine, lol!!!!

Passions has also just gotten saved in Canada, on a different note:

To read all about it go to

Does anyone know if Taresa is dead?, on passions.?regal theater opera theater

She is actually on stone Island with Stephano Dimera. Don't tell anyone I told you. She is supposed to be dead. My cousin plays an extra and shows up now and again. He let me read something that was written on a napkin and thrown away at a cocktail party.
I have no idea what the guy above me is talking about but Theresa is not on Days Of Our Lives with Stefano. Yes Theresa is alive, Ethan saved her. Jared gave her a divorce so she can be with Ethan. The last I saw Ethan and Theresa were kissing and were finally happy to be together. That will not last long though.
Theresa's alive - And it was actually Gwen to saved her the last time, because she wants Theresa to be alive when she reveals her secret to Ethan (Gwen and Rebecca found the USB stick).

Who is th woman with the red nails in Passions?

Soap Opera Passions

Who is th woman with the red nails in Passions?ballet

The woman with red nails is Rachael.

Who is th woman with the red nails in Passions?globe theater opera theater

I am watching Passions right now. It is hard to figure out her voice is unfamiliar. But I would guess that she is probably Alister's Ex-Wifes sister who is supposed to be dead.
Sheridans Aunt

Soap Opera Stars?

I was wondering if any of you knew, actors/actresses who act in Soap Operas Like, Passions, Y%26amp;R, All My children, etc, who are Hispanic (Spanish Speaking)?

If So, Could You list a few?

Soap Opera Stars?sheet music

From OLTL:

Antonio Vega - played by Kamar de los Reyes

Cristian Vega - played by David Famero

Carlotta Vega

Adriana Cramer

Soap Opera Stars?state theatre opera theater

OLTL has the Vega family and Carlotts, Antonio and Cristian frquently speak spanish to each other.

AMC used to have the Santos family but the only one left is Julia

Sonny on GH and the now dead Alcazar family too
On Passions, Eva Tomargo.

Soap Opera Magazines...?

Since Passions is Moving to Direc-TV should i find news about it off the internet? Or start a Subscription to Soap Opera Weekly?

Soap Opera Magazines...?headache

You do not have to buy the magazine. They always have the magazines at your nearest retail or grocery store where you can just as easily pick it up there. I go out to wal- mart every week and that is where i buy soap- operaa-weekly or i buy soap oper digest or ABC or CBS in depth. They have ever caption from every show that you would want to know. These or the four magazines i read all the time. I buy soap opera weekly every week from my retail store. But the other ones i buy on a occasional. It depends on what catches my eye. If you want to find information about passions - try the four magazines i suggested. Most of the time they have everything that you would want to know about your favorite soap.

Soap Opera Magazines...?paramount theater opera theaterI am going to have to go out and buy it todays was wll. Report It

What is direc-tv
get a soap opera wkly or digest--digest is pretty good.

last night there was a special on one of the direct tv stations about the show
If you are just watching one show get it on the internet, if you are keeping up with several shows get the magazine.
I like both SO Weekly and SO Digest - they have everything you want to know about your soaps, and sometimes other soaps.

Where can I see an opera in Palermo?

Do they have opera houses in Palermo? I want to watch a real live Italian opera.

Where can I see an opera in Palermo?plays

The Palermo opera house is the Teatro Massimo.

Here's the calendar of 2007. Be aware that on June and July all the staff will be in tour (in Japan)

10 points for first right answer? !Music lovers and opera fans please answer!?

What is the name of the song on that Gatorade commerical that shows clips from NHL games. It's an opera song. It's used a lot in commercials and movies. It's dramatic and kind of scary sounding. It's not in english.

The song is old and was made around that time when some opera songs were becoming loud and angry sounding. People were digraced because it wasn't nice sounding. It was loud and powerful. Riots broke out at opera houses because of the new sound.

*I'm not sure if this will help one bit but it goes like this:

Da da da da

(bang on bass sounding drum)

Da da da da

(bang on bass sounding drum)

Da da da da-a-a-a

(bang on base sounding drum)

(Louder and more powerful)


(bang on base sounding drum)


(bang on base sounding drum)




10 points for first right answer? !Music lovers and opera fans please answer!?ms stress

"O Fortuna" composed by Carl Orff. It's off his piece, "Carmina Burana".

10 points for first right answer? !Music lovers and opera fans please answer!?home theater system opera theaterIt's those famous operas that everyone knows =) Although the Classical section would have more knowledge, so don't lose faith in Yahoo! Answers. Report It

O Fortuna by Carl Orff!

Your favorite "under the radar" opera performers?

Okay so I've seen the buzz on Juan Diego Flores, Roberto Alagna (I know he's temperamental but what the hell his voice is grand), Natalie Dessay, and Bocelli.

What about those "under the radar" performers that you like? Maybe they've won an obscure competition, maybe they've performed only at local opera houses -- but they stir your heart and you feel goosebumps when you hear them.

Who are they? And why do you like them? And can we get them to perform in my area (okay this is a facetious question).

Your favorite "under the radar" opera performers?binoculars

A few things...first off, Andrea Bocelli isn't an opera singer. He's a pop singer who couldn't cut it in the classical world and thus started doing 'crossover'---the last time he tried to actually do an operatic performance he was booed out of the house. His voice isn't that great, and it's definitely not big enough to actually get over an orchestra in an opera house. Hence, he does popera---singing opera arias etc with microphones in studios, and the pop world doesn't know the difference. So he's not an opera performer since...well...he simply doesn't perform opera.

Secondly, the term "under the radar" is relative. Yes, JDF, Robert Alagna, Dessay, Netrebko, Fleming, etc etc are your big superstars, but there are also quite a lot of good singers that are famous. Some singers may be famous in Europe, but not in the States, and vice a versa. So again, what one defines as "under the radar" makes a big difference---could someone be considered under the radar if they are not superstars, but have performed at the Met, Covent Garden, Vienna SO? And so on..

As per my definition of under the radar, there are a few I would go with. For the women, the German mezzo Anke Vondung has a glorious voice, and she will be singing at the Met this season and is becoming more valued. Another mezzo, Elina Garanca, has equally great talent, although I guess one could now call her above the proverbial radar. A more obscure performer would be the French soprano Norah Amsellem, who is now making a big name for herself and will be performing some big big roles in some pretty big houses over the next season and has been doing so over the past few years (Amsterdam, Berlin, Seattle, Covent Garden, Met, etc).

For the men....Mariusz Kwiecien has one of the best baritone voices I've heard in a long time, and could have been called a little under the radar until fairly recently. His Polish countryman, tenor, Piotr Beczala has one of the most incredible voices I've ever heard--check out this video of him singing "parmi veder" from Rigoletto in Zurich last year:

He'll be making regular appearances at the major houses in the next few years. And two American basses---Kyle Ketelsen and John Relyea---who would have been considered "under the radar" a few years ago, are now getting some major contracts and expanding their repertoire in Europe and the States. Lastly, one that could be truly considered "under the radar" right now would be the American tenor Stephen Costello. He graduated from the arts academy in Philadelphia fairly recently and already has performed at some big houses. He's very promising, and I heard him live at a recital in San Antonio a few weeks ago: he is going to make it really big (is making his debut at the Met this year in Lucia di Lamermoor and is already going to be singing the Duke in Rigoletto in Berlin this season as well).

Hope that helps.

And remember---stay away from Bocelli!

Your favorite "under the radar" opera performers?violin opera theater

One of the great opera singers today is the British baritone Simon Keenlyside. He is a star in the opera world, but probably "under the radar" compared to media favorites like Netrebko, Fleming and Florez.

Mr. Keenlyside has it all: He has an incredibly beautiful voice and is a demanding musician of the top level. His singing is expressive and stylish and he can sing everything from extreme modern to classic Italian to light operetta with equal sincerity and believability.

On top of all that he is very handsome and one of the most brilliant actors in opera today.

He likely won't be in your town anytime soon since he sings mainly in England and Europe. But he will be at the Met this fall in "The Marriage of Figaro".

Check him out on You Tube! especially as Papageno in "The Magic Flute". And let us know what you think!
Mario Frangoulis, he is a classical cross-over performer. His recordings include both classical and 'pop' selections because at this point he's trying to appeal to a wider audience. I've read however, that his true love is opera.

Here is a link so you can hear him:
Dear Theresa, thank you for your note. I have taken another look at your question as you asked, and I really don't think I'd be that helpful. Though I have studied opera and written about it from time to time, I'm just not a voices 'groupie'. I only follow singers in relation to roles and/or operas I'm interested in or believe to be important. Consequently what's under my radar are not singers so much as works, characters and roles. Of course, I do come across singers unknown to me I rate highly, but these could be from performances of 50 years ago as easily as anything else. To be honest, most newcomers rarely have the maturity to really deliver on roles yet -- that's the nature of their youth in relation to the discipline, not a failing on their part -- so they may stay right off my radar until say 5-10 years time when they suddenly emerge with a view of a role that grabs my attention. Their just having 'a voice' as such, doesn't interest me in the slightest.

I'm sorry I really can't do more for you this time. :-(

Even though I no longer stay close to the opera enough to listen to the younger singers, and frankly I really do not care to, I only wish to put in a word about Bocelli.

Anyone naive or foolish or whatever enough to think of him as an opera singer simply does not know what an opera singer is. To smash him by jumping on him with all fours, saying "ha, ha, he got booed off the stage" is completely gratuitous.

Why are people so happy to take pot shots at him, anyway? As if he is a plague which, left unidentified, will kill us all.

It is not necessary to tie your pajamas in a knot about him. Bocelli is Bocelli. He is disabled. He has a very nice voice. It is small, it is lyric, it is warm, and it is romantic. If you doubt it, why don't *you* just open up with Bacciame mucho (however it is spelled) the next time your bathroom is steamy (I'm giving you the *best* possible acoustic situation!)... and if you cannot keep the line as cleanly as he does, if you cannot inflect it with as much warmth, if you cannot let it all flow out what way, top to bottom, start to finish, if I cannot understand all your words and exactly what you are singing about from an interpretive point of view, do me a favor ... wipe the steam off your mirror, look in and tell yourself that you are hard on people. And ~ if I don't want to kiss you, you're sunk!

And try "It's impossible" .... try ... ok? Bocelli sings that really is not even that hard try it on for size and if you can keep a nice, warm sound, make us understand all the words ....

(I can just see it now: someone is going to post on Answers: "OK. I know I have to be able to sing so you can understand all the words, but I don't want a teacher, so guys, do you have any free information so I can get it all together? I really want a big career and if possible I need advice about how to make you want me. The first one with all the right answers gets ten points.")

Anyway, where was I? ...oh, yeah ...Bocelli .....well, let's skip to the fellow mentioned in Answer #3 here ... he sings both styles? From what I heard, I am terribly terribly touched to the very core of my heart to hear of his dreams, but I don't quite understand that if he does have a legit sound, how he slips out so much of his "supported sound" for want of a better, non-technical term .. he sounds so foggy. To be safe on both territories, he should be able to keep a spin at that dynamic....

("OK, Guys. I have always wanted to be a crossover singer, and I now know that I need to be able to keep a forward-placed little spinning sound in my voice that Marilyn Horne once said her teacher told her should be "in zee teets", but do you have any free advice to dish out?")

There is an amusing little video on YouTube with the late Perry Como...together with Regis Philbin... they are singing "It's impossible" .. Regis starts to sing, but very quickly Como stops him. "Not so loud!" he admonishes him. Do you want a voice lesson? That's a voice lesson! Como was a crooner, Philbin started pushing the sound...

But, back to Bocelli.

Years back Bocelli was a cafe singer.

That is how he got his start. He paid his dues. He is not a flash in the pan, nor is he to be scolded if he is not an opera singer. He is singer of popular music, and a very nice one at that.

Bocelli is *not* an opera singer. The fact that he can sing Nessum Dorma as effectively as he can tells us more about Nessun Dorma than it tells us about Bocelli. He simply cannot or does not choose to have more support. ... Perhaps he does not have the strength vis-a-vis health to support an operatic sound. I don't know. I am not his doctor.

The guys of Il Divo are not opera singers either. Not one of them. They all sing right up close to the mike, like Bocelli, they all have light voices, and in one case barely legitimate, and they all have serious vocal flaws or at least limitations. Personally I love them, I really do. Although someone quite square said she did not like their fancy suits and their slicked back hair, I love their fancy suits and their slicked back hair. I love their beautiful stage presences and their earnestness, their willingness to be heartthrobs. I love all the little catches and throbs, the gulps and the sobs, I giggle at the way their voices fly way out of control and wobble all over the stratosphere in the big climaxes which they love .... ...who could not overlook the vocal flaws? I know it is off the subject, but I recently worked my silly self over the Italian words of Ti Amero, one of the songs they sing ...... it really is a heartbreaking song makes me sob .....but opera singers. Mais, non.....they are not opera can even see them giggle to themselves when any interviewer uses that term....they can hardly keep serious faces. It just shows to go you how little the general public knows in depth about opera. Fortunately, *they* know who they are, where they have come from, even if the general public does not.

With respect to goosebumps: be sure you don't suffer from goosebumps. Like gushing, another illness, goosebumps can be incurable.

And sometimes, an artist will give us goosebumps, not because the artist is intrinsically so great, but we can come down with goosebumps because we think we *should* come down with goosebumps. Later on, with more exposure, and more understanding, we can be aghast at an artist who once sent us sailing.

I have two last things to say, thank heavens, and one is: do not let yourself be pulled off track about stars, you have a life of your own and the second thing is that there are a lot of people out there who do make a convincing sound... but artists? Time will tell.

What do I and wife wear to the opera in mid-May in Vienna? This is the 250yr anniversary of Mozart.?

We will be visiting friends in Vienna in mid-May and they were able to score tickets to a Mozart opera at one of the ornate opera houses. Do we wear suit/tie and dress..or more casual-sport jacket/slacks,etc. We wish to dress apropriately and not embarass our hosts...this is a "big" event re: the Mozart celebration this year.

What do I and wife wear to the opera in mid-May in Vienna? This is the 250yr anniversary of Mozart.?performing arts center

Europeans dress quite nicely when they go out. Since it is a special event, I would dress as if going to a romantic dinner date: woman in dress, man in suit.

But if you are in doubt, ask your friends what they will be wearing.

What do I and wife wear to the opera in mid-May in Vienna? This is the 250yr anniversary of Mozart.?sunshine opera theater

Go Naked!
you in a morning suite, her in an evening gown, no other clothes will due
I would suggest evening wear. The whole entire ordeal.

Why don't you ask your host(s) what they will be wearing?

For the sake of EVERYONE here in the States, sorry, AND Canada! please do NOT go in jeans and sneakers!

Thank you.
I`ve been at the Weiner-Sratsoper in Feb 2003, i was backpacking thru europe and as you can know, backpackers arent't tidy enough to go to plateau seats at the opera, so we went to the high places where you stand to see.

From there (4th floor), we got to see the entire theater, and let me tell you EVERY male was on a tuxedo and female was on night dress, and was only "La sonnambula" opera, not a big mozarteum.

so i strongly recommend you to buy new and good garb now.
It depends when the opera is. If the opera is during the day wear something that is semiformal such as jacket and tie and dress. If it's at night wear something formal. People in Europe are very dressy and formal for these events.
Suit/Tie and dress or you can even wear formal attire. You don't have to dress up but most people consider that part of the fun. Check out the article about opera etiquette:
I have been to the Opera in Vienna, and it was an amazing experience! Most of the people in attendence were dressed in evening formal wear, tuxes for guys and evening gowns for the women. It would also be a good idea to ask your friends what the dress code would be to see if you can get away with something less formal than a tux and gown but still look appropriate. I myself wore a dress, not a gown, but I was also there on a trip in high school so I didn't really have access to anything like a gown. I'm sure you'll have fun, I know that I loved it. Good luck, have a great trip!

Was this the lowest, most ridiculous moment in soap opera history? A body inside a wedding cake?

I had no choice about seeing the opening scenes of Passions on NBC today because I'm visiting a friend who insists on watching it, and I saw a dead body fall out of a wedding cake?!?! Is this the lowest moment in soap opera history? Sam just said, "Let's hope she wasn't baked to death." I mean really now, but this is over the top.

Was this the lowest, most ridiculous moment in soap opera history? A body inside a wedding cake?opera score

I would have to say the Dream Sequence finale on Dallas. You could tell they were running out of stories.

Was this the lowest, most ridiculous moment in soap opera history? A body inside a wedding cake?musicals opera theater

How about the witch lady on Passions doing magic?

Since when do soap operas include magic? How retarded!
Wow! You're right. That just about tops 'em all. But are you just pulling our collective leg?

I've heard of live, scantily-clad dames popping-out of birthday cakes but not dead ones, falling-out.
Aren't you a man!

skin lightening