Friday, December 4, 2009

Why do we all let paid television screw us?

Like satelite or cable. We pay for it and we get more and more commercials plus that annoying "paid programing". If they paid the station to get there stuff on tv, why do I have to pay the satelite bill between the hours of 2am and 6am when most every channel has it on those hours.

Now I hear they are moving the soap opera Passions off NBC, to ONLY Directv customers exclusivly.

Why do we all let paid television screw us?movie theatre

It suck's, I remember when TV was free and you had to sit through commercials to help pay for it. I bet if people would stop paying for cable it would be free agian, they're even showing commercials in the movie theaters now.

Why do we all let paid television screw us?playhouse opera theater

I think that having to pay for television is wrong. There is no excuse. We don't actually pay for the regular radio stations. I never understood it. I know that advertisers pay to run commercials, so therefore we should not have to pay a dime. I don't liked those paid infomercials either. I especially hate the scams for get rich quick jobs. I have not heard about NBC shows going to Direct TV. All I know is that all TV should be free. I guess we need those illegal cards lol
Yeah they've started putting commercials on XM now too. Maybe there should be a cable and satelite strike to change it.
Because I like sleeping in the same bed as my wife at night. I could live without cable. She couldn't live with just the Big Four, two Spanish stations, and a bunch of religious programming to choose from.

As a comedian once said, "I didn't want a cat. My wife did. We compromised; we got a cat."
Some where in the FCC regulations I remember reading that if a customer called a TV service provider and asked that programing be removed from their subscription package, the service provider is required by law to remove the programming you don't want.

They also have to reduce the price you pay for programming accordingly.

As I remember what happens is if you request an ESPN channel be dropped from your package, you lose all of that package. If you request MTV you lose all of the channels packaged with it.

This is because the service provider buys the programming as a package and broadcasts them in the same way.

So if you don't want to pay for the shop at home channels have them deleted from your package and your bill reduced.

If they refuse file a complaint with the FCC.

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