Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do I and wife wear to the opera in mid-May in Vienna? This is the 250yr anniversary of Mozart.?

We will be visiting friends in Vienna in mid-May and they were able to score tickets to a Mozart opera at one of the ornate opera houses. Do we wear suit/tie and dress..or more casual-sport jacket/slacks,etc. We wish to dress apropriately and not embarass our hosts...this is a "big" event re: the Mozart celebration this year.

What do I and wife wear to the opera in mid-May in Vienna? This is the 250yr anniversary of Mozart.?performing arts center

Europeans dress quite nicely when they go out. Since it is a special event, I would dress as if going to a romantic dinner date: woman in dress, man in suit.

But if you are in doubt, ask your friends what they will be wearing.

What do I and wife wear to the opera in mid-May in Vienna? This is the 250yr anniversary of Mozart.?sunshine opera theater

Go Naked!
you in a morning suite, her in an evening gown, no other clothes will due
I would suggest evening wear. The whole entire ordeal.

Why don't you ask your host(s) what they will be wearing?

For the sake of EVERYONE here in the States, sorry, AND Canada! please do NOT go in jeans and sneakers!

Thank you.
I`ve been at the Weiner-Sratsoper in Feb 2003, i was backpacking thru europe and as you can know, backpackers arent't tidy enough to go to plateau seats at the opera, so we went to the high places where you stand to see.

From there (4th floor), we got to see the entire theater, and let me tell you EVERY male was on a tuxedo and female was on night dress, and was only "La sonnambula" opera, not a big mozarteum.

so i strongly recommend you to buy new and good garb now.
It depends when the opera is. If the opera is during the day wear something that is semiformal such as jacket and tie and dress. If it's at night wear something formal. People in Europe are very dressy and formal for these events.
Suit/Tie and dress or you can even wear formal attire. You don't have to dress up but most people consider that part of the fun. Check out the article about opera etiquette:
I have been to the Opera in Vienna, and it was an amazing experience! Most of the people in attendence were dressed in evening formal wear, tuxes for guys and evening gowns for the women. It would also be a good idea to ask your friends what the dress code would be to see if you can get away with something less formal than a tux and gown but still look appropriate. I myself wore a dress, not a gown, but I was also there on a trip in high school so I didn't really have access to anything like a gown. I'm sure you'll have fun, I know that I loved it. Good luck, have a great trip!

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