Thursday, December 10, 2009

General Hospital Soap Opera?

Hey guys.

Since my favorite Soap (Passions) is getting canceled, I figured I would start on a new Soap this summer while I'm out of school....

At the moment, it seems like General Hospital and The Young and the Restless are the best! (I know lots of people like Days of our Lives, but my mom watches that haha)

So anyway, if you watch GENERAL HOSPITAL, would you mind telling me why you like it?


(P.S.) I will be posting another one of these for T.Y.A.T.R.

Easy 10 pnts.

General Hospital Soap Opera?concert venue

I love GH! I used to watch Days, and still do occassionally, and sometimes I'll watch other shows, but GH is the one soap I always come back to. I like that the storylines are usually so fresh and interesting. Every once and a while they'll do something predictable (the whole Baldwin is Logan's father thing I saw coming a mile away), but for the most part the story is always fresh. But what I REALLY love about GH is that it moves along. Too many soaps, especially Days, seem to drag on in their storylines. I could miss a month of Days and not be that far behind in the storyline. You miss one day of GH and you might have missed something important, but don't worry the writers always do a good job of making sure that people who miss stuff can get caught up, without replaying everything a million times. The storylines move along quickly but the writers do take the time to develope the stories and the characters properly; they just don't drag things out.

I also love GH because of the characters. I immediately fell in love with some of the characters on the show, after only watching one or two episodes.

The website (on is really good; I found it very helpful when I first started watching GH (about a year and a half ago). It has good character bios, family trees (so you can see who is related to who), episode recaps, and other good resources to help you get caught up on all the happenings in Port Charles.

General Hospital Soap Opera?events opera theater

Congrats, those are my two favorite soaps. GH has great story lines and they are always fresh...never stale. Mostly young exciting characters. OF course eveyrone is sleeping with each other but it's not too over the top. Right now I"m hoping Jason and Elizabeth end up together. HE fathered her baby, but she's married and HE's in the mob.

I also watch One Life To live and the Bold and The Beautiful. They're OK too. (Just OK)
I watch General Hospital, and I would say it's my favorite...the reasons I like it include: 1. the story lines for each character are well thought out, and believable. 2. there isn't a lot of turnover when it comes to characters, (they seem to keep the same actors)...3.There is always something interesting going on 4. It has the occasional steamy love scene, and 5. You don't need to watch EVERY single episode to know whats going on...if you accidentally miss an episode you won't be completely lost by the time the next episode comes along.
General Hospital is easily my favorite. I've been watching for as long as I can remember. Every one of the reasons listed above is absolutely true! The story lines are fresh and interesting and each of the characters is allowed to develop in their own way. Take Carly for example - she is an ice cold b#$%ch, but she is also the most loyal, giving, and caring friend anyone can ask for.

Another thing I like about GH is that they move the story line along quickly. You won't get stuck with the same characters wearing the same clothes and saying the same things over and over again for months at a time. Some stories take longer than others to develop, but they throw in other interesting stuff while we're waiting.

Lastly, every once in awhile they will throw in a socially responsible story - like breast cancer, lung cancer, HIV, rape and abuse. They handle these stories in a way that raises awareness in the GH watching community.

Overall, I would say this is the best soap out there!

Good Luck!

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